Monday, April 30, 2007

Feelings About Blogging

After completing Eng 111, I was eager to start my English 112 course. I missed the first class therefore, I had to read the syllabus without any instruction from Mrs. Peluso (English professor). After reading the syllabus I immediately e-mailed her because I had no idea how to blog, create a blog site or what I would write about.

For a week, I brainstormed and thought about blogging on gas prices, and abortion until I finally made an intelligent decision to write about illegal immigration. I knew that Mrs. Peluso encouraged her students to share their work with their peers therefore, I wanted to blog on something I was passionate about. When I attended class the second week and mentioned writing/discussing illegal immigration in my blogs I was very hurt when I learned two other students were writing about immigration as well. I didn't want our blog sites to immulate one another.

Every week, I searched the internet trying to find ideas that interest me about immigration. I thought about writing about the history of immigrants migrating here to America but that didn't appeal to me. Therefore, I decided to write about the " real issues"as I refer to them. In my blogs, I discussed the pro's and con's of immigrants migrating here, contributions they brought to our country ( i. e. international foods, technology etc) and why I believe immigrants will continue to have incentives and possibly risk death to migrate here.

Overall, I received some decent feedback towards my views and valued what everyone had to say. I enjoyed blogging because it really allowed me to use my constitutional right to freedom of speech. Unfortunately, I have to continue taking undergraduate courses and expedite the completion of my general studies associate degree therefore, I will not continue to blog. In conclusion, I will say that I am very proud of my blogging and I really appreciate all that I've learned in this course.

What's most appealing about blogging is I can always use this site to see how I've grown as a writer as I continue to take undergraduate courses over the next few years. Maybe I'll laugh about some of the things that I've said or maybe I'll have a different point of view in a few years. Only time will tell. To prospective 112 students who may take this course I'll end by saying this; If you don't enjoy sharing your writing with your peers or you don't enjoy blogging remember this too shall pass.

Aliens serving in US military

With the rise of conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan the United States military needs to expand its military ground forces. Recruiting has become very difficult for all branches of the military forces. At the Pentagon, (military headquarters) government officials have discussed opening recruiting stations outside the United States; allowing our military forces to enlist immigrants. (The Boston Globe)

In November of 2004, The Dallas Morning News reported there were 69,300 foreign-born immigrants serving in the military; 29,800 weren’t naturalized. Currently, 100 immigrants have died in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom in the war against terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. (The Dallas Morning News)

Many of my best friends/associates emigrated here from different countries and have served in the Marine Corps for a number of years. Without their citizenship, they are prohibited from attaining specific security clearances, which limits the military occupational specialties they are allowed to work. When the immigrants are naturalized they often aid with intelligence. After September 11, 2001 President Bush proposed expediting the naturalization process for illegal immigrants serving in the military immediately vice waiting five years.

Personally, I am grateful for every single immigrant who has made the decision to join our military to aid us in our everyday struggles. For those who may have lost family members for a country that wasn't their own my condolence goes out to their families. Americans have gained because of their unselfish dedication to our country.

Some of you may say joining our military allowed them to stay here in the country, be employed or attain benefits for their families which is true. However, we must realize many of them are helping protecting us and aid in our intelligence against their own countries. They stand up for what they believe is right. Tell me are you willing to allow immigrants into our military? What's your opinion? Tell me some of your suggestions for the screening process of immigrants.

National Basketball Association and Resident Aliens connection

While brainstorming today, I became a little frustrated because I wanted to write an immigration blog that would appeal to many of us. First let me ask how many of you will watch the National Basketball Association (NBA) playoffs and championship game this year? You may be asking yourself how is basketball related to resident aliens? Believe me by the time you finish reading this blog you will be surprised at the facts that I learned on the internet.

During the 2000-1 NBA season the NBA had a total of 46 international players from 28 countries. Hakeem Olajuwon was a basketball player who immigrated here from Africa to play basketball at the University of Houston after his senior year of high school. On average there is a three to five year wait to attain a visa to come to America. Hakeem was eligible in less then a year from graduating from high school simply because he had the ability to entertain Americans with his basketball skills.

Because Hakeem possessed the ability to dunk the basketball, jump at high parameters, rebound the ball and block shots he entertained students, alumni and the television viewers across the United States. After graduating college, he became the number one draft pick over Michael Jordan in 1984 earning 6.3 million.

Although he hadn’t attained citizenship the NBA welcomed his skills to the league because his basketball skills had the potential to bring lots of earnings to the association. Currently, a ticket to an NBA may peak at $100 plus depending on your location in the stadium/arena. While employed by the Houston Rockets team Hakeem's salary peaked at 14.3 million. Tell me why is it that we are willing to accept those who entertain over the immigrants who only poesess basic labor skills?

Should those who poesses talent be treated better then those who don’t? Currently, Yao Ming is the most famous international player in the NBA. He has played against Americans in the Olympics and the owners of Houston Rockets decided to offer him employment here in the United States.

It’s evident that these players are brought here to bring more revenue to the proprietors. Why does their talent allow their visas to be expedited? How many years are they allowed to stay here in the United States on their visa? Next time you are sitting down watching basketball, soccer, and tennis think about how those immigrants. Do you believe they have gone throught the same struggles as a farmer wishing to attain a visa here to America?

I guess their talent makes them extraordinary so we must go to extremes to get them here to America at any cost. Some proprietors are willing to pay immigrants billions of dollars to play sports here in the United States but we couldn’t find housing for Hurricane Katrina survivors? I guess we are truly showing our priorities as a country.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Analysis Paper on Illegal Immigration and their contributions to our country

For those of you who may not know I have created this blog site about Illegal Immigration for my English 112 course at Nova Community College. At the end of the course, I have to complete an analysis paper on illegal immigration. There is so much to talk about with the issues of immigrants migrating here to our country it’s impossible to put everything within 5 pages.

Therefore, I have thought about the important issues when dealing with illegal immigrants. Recently, I have been brainstorming as to what I would like to do. It’s easy to put statistics of how many illegal immigrants are here, and how many are deported every year but that is quite boring and may be expected.

My plan is to find a resident alien who is in the processing of being naturalized and ask them what challenges did they face being an immigrant here in the country. Also, I will attempt to find an illegal immigrant (which is going to be a task within itself for someone to admit they are here illegally) and ask them what inspired them to migrate here to America.

Questions for illegal immigrant
(1) What have you gained from coming to America
(2) Do you fear being deported
(3) How were you transported here to America
(4) What type of employment do you have

Questions for resident alien
(1) How long did it take for you to obtain a visa to come to America? What type of visa inabled you to come here?
(2) Where are you employed
(3) Did you receive any federal assistance while here in America
(4) What do you like about your origin country that you wish you could bring to America?
(5) Name some of the things that you were prohibited from doing ( i.e. federal job) because you aren’t a U S citizen
(6) What do you feel that you have contributed to our country? (i.e. have you done any community service)

After gathering all that knowledge I will also incorporate some of the issues discussed in my blogs (i.e. individual taxpayer number, public assistance to illegal immigrant parents, guest-worker program etc.) and make an analysis of illegal immigrants and what are the pro’s and con’s of them migrating to America.

Monday, April 23, 2007

America's Need For Green (Illegal Aliens Paying Taxes)

Did you know undocumented immigrants are afforded the opportunity to apply for an individual taxpayer identification number from the Internal Revenue Service every year? What exactly is an individual taxpayer identification number is the next question you may have. It’s a number issued to undocumented immigrants that permits the individual to pay taxes on his/her yearly wages. In the states of Utah, Rhode Island, North Carolina, and New Mexico undocumented immigrants holding a tax number are also allowed to apply for a driver’s license, and open a bank account at a financial institution. (

Currently, there are 9 million illegal aliens here in the United States. Although, we continue to face the problems with immigrants migrating here illegally do you honestly feel that the individual taxpayer identification is encouraging or discouraging for immigrants to continue to come to America? Many of us believe that immigrants see America as the land of opportunity. When the undocumented immigrants arrive they are often forced to accept employment in job fields where they are frequently under paid for their services.

Although, some are underpaid they are willing to pay taxes to our government in hopes of expediting their path to naturalization/citizenship. In a previous blog entry, I discussed how America’s greed would continue to encourage immigrants to migrate here to America. This article supports some of my views in that it discusses how America is willing to accept some of these immigrants if they are willing to contribute to our economy.

When an undocumented immigrant opens a checking or savings account at a financial institution banks have the potential to earn interest off the money in the accounts. Personally, I believe immigrants should pay taxes as we all do. Seeing myself as a fair person, I don’t believe those who are paid beneath the legal minimum wage rate should pay taxes. If, they have a very low income can they really afford to pay taxes like the rest of us?

Also, how do you feel about the undocumented immigrants receiving returns as we do? Do they deserve to receive money for claiming other children who may be illegal aliens as well? Should they be allowed to claim assistance benefits because they pay taxes? What are the pro’s and con’s to illegal immigrants paying taxes?

The last thing I want to share with you is absolutely astonishing. According to the law, the IRS is prohibited from sharing information about the illegal aliens to other federal immigration officials/agencies? Why is that? Shouldn’t we be entitled to know where the illegal immigrants reside? Who are the companies that are employing these immigrants? Will the employers be penalized for hiring these immigrants?

In conclusion, after reading this blog you truly have to question our government about the need for the green. How are we to say that we discourage illegal aliens from coming to our country yet, issue tax numbers? In some aspect are we condoning people breaking the law?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

How many times will Americans mourn over an immigrants malicious acts?

Yesterday, 16 April 2007 many of us were astonished to learn of the killing rampage that occurred on Virginia Tech’s college campus. Earlier this morning, I turned on the television to learn the shooter was a Virginia tech student Cho Seung Hui who was an alien resident here on a visa to attend college.

Many thoughts were running through my mind after receiving this information. For the past four weeks I have written blogs hoping some Americans may be willing to welcome more immigrants into our country. Throughout life, it is common that many of us remember traumatic events more then events that have brought us gratification. Thirty two peoples' lives were lost yesterday in a cowardly act of one resident alien.

Although Cho Seung Hui will not be here to face the effects of his actions many of the victims’ families, friends, and other resident aliens will be affected negatively. 9/11 caused Americans to endure stricter security measures at our airports, aboard military installations, and our border interstate freeways. What will we face now at our higher learning institutions? Will college students be required to be scanned through metal detectors?

What new laws will come about from this situation? What will happen to the other resident aliens who have been accepted to Virginia Tech for the fall semester?

We are the benign, continuing to face acts of vile causing our death rate to incline.

As Americans it is imperative that we make intelligent decisions regarding the immigration situation in our country. Tonight, while listening to the Virginia Tech news story write down suggestions to how America can better screen immigrants and what impact would your ideas have on our country? Maybe you can think about submitting them to your congressman.

Ways to improve screening of illegal immigrants

(1) Illegal immigrants should be required to renew visas every year vice every few years

(2) Before receiving a visa to migrate here to America they should be observed in their country for three years

(3) Research the background of each illegal immigrant (i.e. have they been arrested in their country? Why are they requesting to come to America? Are some of their family members here in America?

(4) Psychological evaluation test every year

(5) Credit check or country’s equivalent

(6) Do they have any contact with political personnel in their country?

(7) Health Assessments (do they have any fatal diseases?/drug screening)

(8) Tracking device (micro chip) inserted in their bodies (place of their choice) to have visuals on the immigrant at all times

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Your tax money and illegal immigrant parents gains

While researching illegal immigration on the internet I stumbled upon an article from North County Times in which governor Arnold Schwarzeneggerg discussed his latest proposal regarding a series of changes to immigration policies in the state of California. First question to you is how do you feel about the welfare program? Do you think the program is helpful or should we abolish the welfare system completely?

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed a new budget in which he would cut public assistance of illegal immigrant parents. Currently, illegal immigrants parents are eligible for the monetary funds assist with the expenses of taking care of their children until the legal age of 18. ( If the bill is approved Californian tax payers will save $144 million dollars in taxes.

Here's how the system works. The parents are issued debit cards for the children however, the state government does not track purchases made on the cards. Do you feel violated? Personally, I don't believe that we should aid illegal immigrant parents with taking care of their children. My reasoning is America is the land of opportunity. If an immigrant chooses to come here to provide a better life for their family how is adding another person to the household going to help their situation? They realize they may not be able to support the child however; they do not take the proper pre-cautions and continue to bring children into their environment. How are we as taxpayers responsible for their irresponsibility?

Many of us go to work everyday to provide for our families while illegal immigrants may receive monetary compensation simply because they had a child. How would that discourage them from having additional children? If, you continue to provide assistance to those who are irresponsible when will they become responsible adults?That is what we need to ask ourselves. I personally, don’t feel as though we should offer them assistance.

We should encourage them to go to financial courses to learn how to budget money. I believe that we should teach independence. As a country, we have a lot of our citizens suffering from Katrina to 9/11 and many other tragic events. Why not help ourselves before we start helping others? What do you think? How do you feel?