Monday, April 30, 2007

Aliens serving in US military

With the rise of conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan the United States military needs to expand its military ground forces. Recruiting has become very difficult for all branches of the military forces. At the Pentagon, (military headquarters) government officials have discussed opening recruiting stations outside the United States; allowing our military forces to enlist immigrants. (The Boston Globe)

In November of 2004, The Dallas Morning News reported there were 69,300 foreign-born immigrants serving in the military; 29,800 weren’t naturalized. Currently, 100 immigrants have died in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom in the war against terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. (The Dallas Morning News)

Many of my best friends/associates emigrated here from different countries and have served in the Marine Corps for a number of years. Without their citizenship, they are prohibited from attaining specific security clearances, which limits the military occupational specialties they are allowed to work. When the immigrants are naturalized they often aid with intelligence. After September 11, 2001 President Bush proposed expediting the naturalization process for illegal immigrants serving in the military immediately vice waiting five years.

Personally, I am grateful for every single immigrant who has made the decision to join our military to aid us in our everyday struggles. For those who may have lost family members for a country that wasn't their own my condolence goes out to their families. Americans have gained because of their unselfish dedication to our country.

Some of you may say joining our military allowed them to stay here in the country, be employed or attain benefits for their families which is true. However, we must realize many of them are helping protecting us and aid in our intelligence against their own countries. They stand up for what they believe is right. Tell me are you willing to allow immigrants into our military? What's your opinion? Tell me some of your suggestions for the screening process of immigrants.

1 comment:

Julie P.Q. said...

Am I willing? Well, other than making my beliefs know through voting and becoming an activist, I am certainly happy to see immigrants take on any and all jobs the U.S. has to offer. My husband tells of a story that his grandfather, from Sweden, got off one boat in 1917 and right onto another, and back to Europe, nonetheless, during World War 1.

I don't know enough about security to know what to say about screening processes, but I'm open to the idea...