Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Analysis Paper on Illegal Immigration and their contributions to our country

For those of you who may not know I have created this blog site about Illegal Immigration for my English 112 course at Nova Community College. At the end of the course, I have to complete an analysis paper on illegal immigration. There is so much to talk about with the issues of immigrants migrating here to our country it’s impossible to put everything within 5 pages.

Therefore, I have thought about the important issues when dealing with illegal immigrants. Recently, I have been brainstorming as to what I would like to do. It’s easy to put statistics of how many illegal immigrants are here, and how many are deported every year but that is quite boring and may be expected.

My plan is to find a resident alien who is in the processing of being naturalized and ask them what challenges did they face being an immigrant here in the country. Also, I will attempt to find an illegal immigrant (which is going to be a task within itself for someone to admit they are here illegally) and ask them what inspired them to migrate here to America.

Questions for illegal immigrant
(1) What have you gained from coming to America
(2) Do you fear being deported
(3) How were you transported here to America
(4) What type of employment do you have

Questions for resident alien
(1) How long did it take for you to obtain a visa to come to America? What type of visa inabled you to come here?
(2) Where are you employed
(3) Did you receive any federal assistance while here in America
(4) What do you like about your origin country that you wish you could bring to America?
(5) Name some of the things that you were prohibited from doing ( i.e. federal job) because you aren’t a U S citizen
(6) What do you feel that you have contributed to our country? (i.e. have you done any community service)

After gathering all that knowledge I will also incorporate some of the issues discussed in my blogs (i.e. individual taxpayer number, public assistance to illegal immigrant parents, guest-worker program etc.) and make an analysis of illegal immigrants and what are the pro’s and con’s of them migrating to America.


Julie P.Q. said...

Great writing here, Monique, and strong plan. But check out the syllabus about the content within the analysis paper. It's actually to compare this blog to others on the topic (be that politics, or immigration specifically). Your research mentioned here, however, can be really benefical to your continued writing, so go for it!

nova immigration said...

Hello Monique,

I like your idea on getting information about immigrants from the immigrants him self. I am sure that you will be able to find a lot of information.
If in case it becomes hard to find people to answer your question let me know, I will be able to answer most of your questions on both sides the legal and illegal immigrant. The reason that I take this topic very personal is because I was an illegal immigrant and later became legal immigrant. I wish you good luck on your research.
