Thursday, April 5, 2007

Do illegal immigrants contribute to unemployment rates of Americans?

Over the past few months there have been several protests throughout the United States in regards to the newly proposed immigration laws. President George Bush would like to implement a guest worker-program which would allow illegal immigrants the opportunity to work in the United States for a period of six years. Under the guest-worker program, businesses employing the illegal immigrants would have to provide facts showing Americans were opposed to accepting the job position(s) the immigrant(s) would fulfill. How will we as a country benefit from this law? ( Some of us are outraged while others praise the president’s efforts. Are we as Americans intimidated by the immigrants? Do you believe immigrants contribute to the rise of unemployment of Americans? Will inviting immigrants into the country lead to a lower minimum wage rate? If we truly evaluate the situation, some Americans are unemployed because they feel they have too much “pride” and refuse to be associated with hard labor. If this were not true do you believe that the welfare system would exists in our society? In my opinion, we shouldn’t be faulting the immigrants who want the opportunity to work in another country aspiring to provide a better life for their families. When our country was founded we had indentured servants, when that failed there was slavery; Now we have illegal immigrants. The reality is that many of our business are looking for the inexpensive way of running our businesses. (i.e. how many McDonald’s signs advertise the amount of people served at that particular restaurant then ask the cashier their hourly wage. Do the math!!!!!!!!!!). Until we Americans change our business virtues illegal immigrants will continue to be drawn to migrating to our country.

1 comment:

Julie P.Q. said...

Hey Monique,

Interesting post, and good links. How about placing those links as hyperlinks in words instead of in the text? I think it would read more smoothly that way. Also, break up the big paragraphs!

You bring up some great questions here...