Monday, April 30, 2007

Feelings About Blogging

After completing Eng 111, I was eager to start my English 112 course. I missed the first class therefore, I had to read the syllabus without any instruction from Mrs. Peluso (English professor). After reading the syllabus I immediately e-mailed her because I had no idea how to blog, create a blog site or what I would write about.

For a week, I brainstormed and thought about blogging on gas prices, and abortion until I finally made an intelligent decision to write about illegal immigration. I knew that Mrs. Peluso encouraged her students to share their work with their peers therefore, I wanted to blog on something I was passionate about. When I attended class the second week and mentioned writing/discussing illegal immigration in my blogs I was very hurt when I learned two other students were writing about immigration as well. I didn't want our blog sites to immulate one another.

Every week, I searched the internet trying to find ideas that interest me about immigration. I thought about writing about the history of immigrants migrating here to America but that didn't appeal to me. Therefore, I decided to write about the " real issues"as I refer to them. In my blogs, I discussed the pro's and con's of immigrants migrating here, contributions they brought to our country ( i. e. international foods, technology etc) and why I believe immigrants will continue to have incentives and possibly risk death to migrate here.

Overall, I received some decent feedback towards my views and valued what everyone had to say. I enjoyed blogging because it really allowed me to use my constitutional right to freedom of speech. Unfortunately, I have to continue taking undergraduate courses and expedite the completion of my general studies associate degree therefore, I will not continue to blog. In conclusion, I will say that I am very proud of my blogging and I really appreciate all that I've learned in this course.

What's most appealing about blogging is I can always use this site to see how I've grown as a writer as I continue to take undergraduate courses over the next few years. Maybe I'll laugh about some of the things that I've said or maybe I'll have a different point of view in a few years. Only time will tell. To prospective 112 students who may take this course I'll end by saying this; If you don't enjoy sharing your writing with your peers or you don't enjoy blogging remember this too shall pass.


nova immigration said...

Hi Monique,

When I started English 112 I was hopping for more students to blog on immigration because it is good to hear different opinions, especially if the opinions have good information. I think that you did a good job on your blogs about immigration but I am sure that you will succeed in any topic that you choose. I like the way that you write because it is very easy to understand.

Take care.


Julie P.Q. said...

This is an awesome finale for your blogs posting (you knocked out this week's and next week's work already). I think you should be quite proud of the hard work you did here. It shows. And I'm also glad you stuck to this topic. We need as many voices as possible to have these discussions so that the people don't get lost within politically charged "issues."