Tuesday, April 17, 2007

How many times will Americans mourn over an immigrants malicious acts?

Yesterday, 16 April 2007 many of us were astonished to learn of the killing rampage that occurred on Virginia Tech’s college campus. Earlier this morning, I turned on the television to learn the shooter was a Virginia tech student Cho Seung Hui who was an alien resident here on a visa to attend college.

Many thoughts were running through my mind after receiving this information. For the past four weeks I have written blogs hoping some Americans may be willing to welcome more immigrants into our country. Throughout life, it is common that many of us remember traumatic events more then events that have brought us gratification. Thirty two peoples' lives were lost yesterday in a cowardly act of one resident alien.

Although Cho Seung Hui will not be here to face the effects of his actions many of the victims’ families, friends, and other resident aliens will be affected negatively. 9/11 caused Americans to endure stricter security measures at our airports, aboard military installations, and our border interstate freeways. What will we face now at our higher learning institutions? Will college students be required to be scanned through metal detectors?

What new laws will come about from this situation? What will happen to the other resident aliens who have been accepted to Virginia Tech for the fall semester?

We are the benign, continuing to face acts of vile causing our death rate to incline.

As Americans it is imperative that we make intelligent decisions regarding the immigration situation in our country. Tonight, while listening to the Virginia Tech news story write down suggestions to how America can better screen immigrants and what impact would your ideas have on our country? Maybe you can think about submitting them to your congressman.

Ways to improve screening of illegal immigrants

(1) Illegal immigrants should be required to renew visas every year vice every few years

(2) Before receiving a visa to migrate here to America they should be observed in their country for three years

(3) Research the background of each illegal immigrant (i.e. have they been arrested in their country? Why are they requesting to come to America? Are some of their family members here in America?

(4) Psychological evaluation test every year

(5) Credit check or country’s equivalent

(6) Do they have any contact with political personnel in their country?

(7) Health Assessments (do they have any fatal diseases?/drug screening)

(8) Tracking device (micro chip) inserted in their bodies (place of their choice) to have visuals on the immigrant at all times


nova immigration said...

Hi Monique,

I share the pain that every one is going thru due to the incident in Virginia Tech. I will study architecture and one of my dreams was to go to Virginia tech because they have a great architecture program. I understand that it is needed to have a better way of selection for people that come here but it will probably not going to be done. I believe that there are many people out there that can give good thing to our country. If the process for immigrants was harder then it is we would have not been able to qualify Albert Einstein to come to the United States, and give us his knowledge. This is how our country thinks and it is good to take a chance if this great nation can benefit from it. Albert Einstein childhood would have disqualified him from coming to this country and that is what the people that make the laws look at.

This is just my opinion. I am looking forward to see your future blogs.

Have a great day.


Julie P.Q. said...

Hm...some of your suggestions did certainly make me stop. For one, I think we need to be very clear about what "illegal" means in this context. Hui was not an illegal alien, and when was the last time we heard mention of somebody being here illegally committing mass murder?

Also, what are we saying about human rights when we signal out some people and make them become tracked guinea pigs? It's a social experiment that is doomed to fail...be very careful what you wish for.

P.S. go ahead and break up those long paragraphs!

Charlene said...

The incident at Virginia Tech was a tragic one. My condolences go out to the students and families at the college. But is this an issue of immigration? I really do not think so. In watching the news and reading the paper, we come to find out that the offender had deeper issues that were present from adolescent. Crime is going to exist weather or not immigrants are in American. We all have free will: the will to do good or evil.
Furthermore, was the horrific act committed at Columbine HS done by immigrants or Americans? How about the Oklahoma City bombing? Just something to think about…