Thursday, April 5, 2007

If you lived in a third world country would you attempt to illegally migrate to America?

Look at the impoverished neighborhoods here in America in comparison to those in the Caribbean island of Jamaica. Some of us have had the opportunity to visit the countries of our illegal immigrants while vacationing. Tell me when you are sitting on the beaches in the Caribbean islands do you ever take the time to walk down the street to see how the housekeeping staff in your resort are living? Here in America we complain about the immigrants but, if you and your children lived in this 1 room hut and you only made enough money to feed them bread for the day and you had the opportunity to escape your environment what would you do? Would you sit around and wait thinking someway, somehow, your family will make it out of the situation or would you jump at the first chance that someone presented you to provide more for your children. Put yourself in their position where your daily meal consisted of bread and water. Your children walk to school without shoes everyday. Eventually your children are kicked out of school because you cannot pay the tuition fees. In America all these things are free. All you have to do is risk getting to America either by foot or boat. If caught, you wouldn’t face any loss because you were shipped back to the place you were trying to escaping. If successful you would never live the same life again? Have you ever been in a desperate situation where you would have done anything to get out? I am sure that you have!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is how illegal immigrants view coming to America


Julie P.Q. said...


The reason I have not posted feedback before now is that your URL was still wrong (I had to move the "1" to after the "blog"). I'll send out another email.

A suggestion. This is very passionate, and I'm with you on these arguments. But I think a balance of passion and detail will really strengthen your points. Also, watch overemphasizing with !. Let your words hold the passion, and you'll be amazed at the result.

Charlene said...

My parents are from a third world country and my opinion on this topic is very mix. My mother circumstances in her country were not good at all but she did not take matters in her own hands by attempting to migrate to the United States illegally. She did research and found a company to sponsor her. She came to America on a working visa and then sent for the rest of her family. There are always ways to turn a situation around. One does not always have to take the illegal route. I know some situations are more complex than others, so until I am actually in that predicament I really do not know how I would react to the situation.