Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What are you favorite dining establishments?

How many times have you eaten at your favorite Chinese, Italian, Greek and Mexican restaurant? Do you ever sit and think could the owner have been an illegal immigrant? Yes, he may be a citizen now but how did he get here? What’s his background? Do you know if he has been a chef all his life? Where did he learn how to speak English? While eating and being served are you thinking how many of these bus boys are here illegally?

When we are benefiting from illegal immigrants with paying them low wages for jobs or eating their cuisine we are not thinking about deporting them. At that very moment that you are in the restaurant you all you are concerned with is enjoying your meal. Are you willing to give up eating at all your favorite restaurants to shut down and deport the business because there are illegal immigrants working there? Question yourself and stop thinking about the economics and think about your everyday life and what you have gained from illegal immigrants migrating to our country?

From the very beginning our country was considered a melting pot. Dutch, English, and Irish men and women migrated to our country in search of wealth (gold), employment opportunities, and religious freedom. African Americans were brought here on ships from the Caribbean to work in the tobacco and cotton fields against their will. Now we have decided these same people who have contributed to the development of our nation shouldn’t be allowed in our country. How selfish can we be? They’ve aided us with our crops but now we want to crop them out of our country. In conclusion, next time you are sitting in a foreign establishment drinking ginseng tea, eating Italian cuisine, getting a manicure and pedicure at a Vietnamese establishment imagine if these business were closed because none of the employees were born here in America?


Steph Bowling said...

Wow, you make a very good point. That was really interesting to read because most people don't think with that perspective in mind. I would never have thought about it in that light if you hadn't brought it to my attention. I think that we all take for granted, and probably don't even realize how much our country has grown thanks to the help of "immigrants." we should all be thanking them.

Andrei Vlad said...

Astonishing! I think we need to post this blog in the most populated areas of this country. Working as a supervisor on a lot of construction sites, I see everyday hundreds and hundreds of immigrants doing their best to build a great and powerful country. They are the first to prove they are entitled to live here. Continue with your great job!!

Julie P.Q. said...


I told you so! Your writing on this topic is both important and refreshing. Your point of view is very insightful here, and you certainly got me thinking...keep up the great work. And what about the "salad bowl" metaphor now, instead of the melting pot? Does it work?

Stephanie Simon said...

This was an interesting posting, me personally when I dine out either at an Italian or even a Mexican restaurant I never had an interest in finding out who was what, where they were from, and if they are in this conuntry legally or not. America is the land of opportunity and if one can provide a better life for their family in America I don't see why they should be denied a healthier, safer, better education, and even a wealthier lifestyle. my only problem is when other immigrants get here and they do not take advantage of the wonderful opportunities and instead creating more problems as far as gangs, drug related violence. Other than that we were forced to come here to work and help establish this great nation many years ago so I don' understand why we can not be here today.

R H said...

I really like this, because it makes me think. I know that I love me some Jamaican food but never once have I stop and think about how they got here to America. I just know that I enjoy the food, and I know that no one is willing to give up their favorite restaurant even if the employees that work there is illegal or not . good writing