This is a great discussion topic. Do you know the first thing that comes to mind when I want to answer this question. I am sure it has come to your attention as well. The terrorists of 9/11. How upset were you to learn that these individuals who killed thousands of Americans had been trained here in
Truthfully, some people can be bought into committing crimes. I was so disappointed to learn that we had allowed these individuals to come to our country with an opportunity to learn how to fly only to use what they learned against us. We should question if an immigrant is wealthy enough to come here and pay for flight school why wouldn’t they want to be trained in their country? Why would they go through the hassle of paperwork and time that it may take to come here to our country? Have our laws become too lienant?
Honestly, do you think that we should allow wealthy illegal immigrants to our country? Are they more beneficial to our economics so we feel the need to expedite the processing of their paperwork to become legal
I must say you have a vast knowledge about immigration because you are touching each important aspect dealing with immigration. Those are some questions that are hard to answer even by a very good politician. But don’t forget something: not all of the Americans are good people (just look at the news).The same happens with the immigrants. Not all of them came here to work their butts and have a good life. Some came here thinking that they can succeed by doing crimes. The government needs to improve the security system by introducing biometric passports and by surveying the people much closer (those are just two examples).
I think Andrei has some great points. I also think your writing is very strong here, and you post important questions. At one point, you said "In some ways I think that our desire to make money causes us to make poor decisions." Can you go into a bit more discussion of this specifically?
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